Monday 18 April 2011

The Little Girl Who Worried (2010) (unfinished)

There was once a little girl who was very worried.

She worried that her mummy and daddy would die.

She worried that she didn't have any friends.

She worried that her teachers thought she was stupid.

She was even worried about being worried all the time, which was very worrying.

She decided to write down all her worries, great and small, on little pieces of paper, and make paper aeroplanes out of them, so that she could throw her worries far, far away.

So she did.

There was a big pile of paper aeroplanes by the time she finished, because, as you know, she had lots of worries.

She wrote on one that she was worried that her clothes weren't as nice as the other little girls' clothes.

She wrote on another that she was worried that her chin stuck out like a witch's.

She wrote on another that she was worried that her feet smelt.

She had so many worries that the worry monster came.

It was a big ugly brute, made of all the secret worries that everyone has but doesn't tell anyone. And now he was stood in front of the little girl.

Which was worrying.

The little girl threw a paper plane at the worry monter. It flew like a dart into his eye. It roared in agony and stumbled (half) blindly backwards. The little girl kept throwing paper planes at the monster (and there were loads) and each sunk into it's flash as though it were rotting fruit until it was a pulpy dead mess. Then the little girl cleaned up (there wasn't much work, most of the goo had soaked into the paper), and she never worried again.

The End.

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